Pop-up sites and events
Photography by David Ferguson by permission of the JEP
Public Voice: Common Ground was a pilot based on research to improve St Helier’s public space for people. Relevant public engagement with multiple stakeholders confirmed a desire for more green spaces, less cars and better housing. St Helier was singled out as the area most in need of better public space. The model for the pilot was based on a Public Realm Partnership – a partnership that offers value to community, business and government.
Stage one of the pilot showed what’s possible. It did this through 9 case studies - meanwhile and temporary intervention in public places in St Helier. You can read about what happened in the summary and analysis.
map by Marc Medland
Case studies and past events
Ongoing Lé Galvaûdeux (the gallivanter or wanderer). A walk through St Helier’s public realm created by artist Tim le Breuilly (see poster above). The walk is 3 miles and takes around an hour. A map of the walk can be downloaded here: https://blog.gov.je/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Walk-Map_17.09.2023.pdf
Enjoy discovering parts of St Helier you never knew existed or join the many other wanderers who recorded thoughts, feelings and memories through sketches, drawings, photos and recordings. These were posted to instagram @publicvoicecommonground and @ludditepressci with the hashtag #legalvaudeux . See what others found on our instagram. Here are some of our favourites.
We held a pop-up exhibition of some of the Lé Galvaûdeux highlights and the print workshop with Luddite Press at Unit 4, Horizon East, Waterfront mid Nov.
13 Dec ‘23 - Feb ‘24. ‘What should Appear Here?’ - Revitalising empty shop windows in central St Helier. Landlords in St Helier are not currently incentivised to take short leases or offer meanwhile use for empty retail units. We were commissioned to show what was possible in 3 large empty units on Queen Street. We worked with Sustainable Economic Development, Columbia Estates, the Lé Galvaûdeux artists, the tech team at Jersey Opera House and Silhouette Studios to turn the lights back on and bring the high street back to life. Locals were invited to imagine what wonderful feels like for St Helier’s High Street through a 2 minute survey here.
We shared inspiration from the Children’s Day workshop, installation by Tim le Breuilly, work inspired by lé Galvaûdeux and a fantastic ballet performance by the dancers at Silhouette.
11 Aug – late Autumn Pop up Perch, Romerils car park, Hue St. 4 car parking spaces were turned into temporary seating in the heart of St Helier’s old town. A place with no space for people became a quiet place to for lunch, a coffee, a meeting or a book. Landscape design by Antony Gibb Ltd and Bruce Labey, recycled planters by Acorn Enterprises, laurel by Ransoms Garden Centre, site and everything else by Romerils.
The community data gathered at the perch is the basis for the percentage for art proposal for the development of this site. The art statement and scheme have received planning approval for trees in the ground and permanent seating for the community in a new, larger and permanent public realm.
27 Sept Film at the Perch, Romerils carpark. Free outdoor screening of short films by local film makers. We partnering with the 13th Parish Jersey International Film Festival, who curated 11 films from their annual Jersey Films Showcase. This showcase includes Luka Pinto’s Little Green, Marc Medland’s Super Birds and Rachel Ara’s The Parable of The Leaf Blower. The films were projected onto the wall of the car park by Stefentertainment.
Not only did we fill the pallet-board seating, we filled the remaining car park and residents pulled sofas up to their windows to watch from the first floor flats. Some brought takeaways, some brought champagne and canapés. Many stayed and chatted long after the films had finished.
14 Oct Lé Galvaûdeux, free print workshop with artist Tim le Breuilly and Luddite Press, Unit 4, Horizon East, Waterfront. A free print workshop to celebrate the work created as a result of Lé Galvaûdeux. All ages and abilities came together to share aspirations for public space, community and how we want to live.
28 Sept Lé Galvaûdeux, guided wander with artist Tim le Breuilly. Starting at the pop-up park, around 20 residents walked the route with Tim as their guide. They shared stories of the buildings, bridges and harbour. They also looked. Tim brought etching plates and got everyone printing. The map of the walk can be downloaded here: https://blog.gov.je/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Walk-Map_17.09.2023.pdf
26 July – 27 Sept Pop up Park. Pétanque pitch, Weighbridge Pl - public park and pétanque. A previously hard landscape was turned into a public park. Landscape design by Antony Gibb Ltd, converted wheels-bin planters by Grow Jersey, recycled planters by Acorn Enterprises, turf, site and everything else by Jersey Development Company. See the summary and analysis for what happened.
28 & 29 July Earthworks Pop up Park, Pétanque pitch, Weighbridge Pl. A clay-based free workshop with artist Jo Pearl, local potters and the Public Voice team. Open to everyone, residents spent time thinking, discussing and modelling their ideas in clay for how the environment and landscape of St Helier could be improved. Not intended as an architectural masterplan, the gigantic clay model, as well as hours of ice-cream-fuelled chat, captured hopes, and priorities from hundreds of islanders. With thanks to Jersey Development Company. See the summary and analysis for what happened.
Many people and organisations were involved in enabling this to happen. With particular thanks to Bruce Labey, JDC, Acorn, Ransoms Garden Centre, Romerils, A to B with Reg’s Skips, AAL Recycling, Antony Gibb Ltd, David Ryan Landscape and Property Services, Trees for Life, Grow, JCRT and Welcome VIDA. With additional funding and support from Government of Jersey’s Economy Dept, Creative Island Partnership, Community Compass and SP3.
Activities and discussions around public realm are recorded. They are an important part of the community voice informing the Public Voice: Common Ground commission and improvements to our public realm. Please talk to us if you have concerns or would like more information as to how opinions are heard and translated..
Earthworks workshop. Photography by Rod Bryans
Pop-up Park at the Pétanque, Weighbridge Pl. Photography by Rod Bryans
Ian Rolls, ‘What does WONDERFUL look like for St Helier? workshop, Children’s Day
Marc Medland’s ‘Super Birds’ at the Pop up Perch, Romerils carpark, Weds 27 Sept
Pop-up Park at the Pétanque, Weighbridge Pl. Photography by Rod Bryans
Views from lé Galvaûdeux by Will Lakeman
Pop-up gallery and print studio, Unit 4, Horizon East, Waterfront St Helier.
‘What does WONDERFUL look like for St Helier? workshop, Children’s Day
The Pop up Perch, Romerils carpark, Hue St, St Helier
Views from lé Galvaûdeux byTim le Breuilly
lé Galvaûdeux print workshop with Tim le Breuilly, photography by Rod Bryans
Watch this Space - Queen St, St Helier. Before
lé Galvaûdeux print workshop with Tim le Breuilly, photography by Rod Bryans
lé Galvaûdeux print workshop with Tim le Breuilly, photography by Rod Bryans
Watch this space - Lindsay and her broom, Queen St, St Helier.
Earthworks workshop. Photography by Rod Bryans
Earthworks workshop. Photography by Rod Bryans
Pop-up Park at the Pétanque, Weighbridge Pl. Photography by Rod Bryans

map by Marc Medland