Pop-up sites and events 2023

Photography by David Ferguson by permission of the JEP

Public Voice: Common Ground is a pilot based on research to improve St Helier’s public space for all those that live, work and visit. Interviews across 12 sectors, as well as survey responders across 3 languages confirmed a desire for more green spaces, less cars and better housing. St Helier was singled out as the area most in need of better public space. The model for the pilot is based on a Public Realm Partnership – a partnership that offers value to community, business and government.

Stage one of the pilot shows what’s possible. It does this through temporary intervention in public places in St Helier this summer. We will be creating a mobile garden and free, temporary public spaces and events. Please come and enjoy them and tell us what you think:

map by Marc Medland


From 13 December. ‘What should Appear Here?’ We will be creating temporary pop-up windows on St Helier’s Queen St. Locals are invited to imagine what wonderful feels like for St Helier’s High Street. You can share and take the 2 minute survey here.

We’ll be sharing inspiration from the Children’s Day workshop, as well as an installation by Tim le Breuilly and work inspired by lé Galvaûdeux.

All year round Lé Galvaûdeux (the gallivanter or wanderer). A walk through St Helier’s public realm created by artist Tim le Breuilly (see poster above). The walk is 3 miles and takes around an hour. A map of the walk can be downloaded here: https://blog.gov.je/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Walk-Map_17.09.2023.pdf

We urge you to join the many other wanderers and record thoughts, feelings and memories through sketches, drawings, photos and recordings.  We want your found shopping lists, sketches of weeds breaking through the concrete and the things only you notice. These should be posted to instagram mentioning @publicvoicecommonground and @ludditepressci with the hashtag #legalvaudeux .

You can enjoy what others have discovered on our instagram. Here are some of our favourites. We have a pop-up exhibition of some of the Lé Galvaûdeux highlights and the print workshop with Luddite Press at Unit 4, Horizon East, Waterfront (over the road from cineworld) until the mid Nov.

11 Aug – late Autumn Pop up Perch, Romerils car park, Hue St. Bring a sandwich, a coffee, a friend or just come and sit amongst the agapanthus in the heart of St Helier’s old town. Recycled glass storage planters by Acorn Enterprises, with laurel by Ransoms Garden Centre.

14 Oct, 10.00 - 14.00 Lé Galvaûdeux, free print workshop with artist Tim le Breuilly and Luddite Press, Unit 4, Horizon East (opposite cineworld), Waterfront. Join us for a free print workshop to celebrate some of the work created as a result of Lé Galvaûdeux. Suitable for all ages and abilities, we will be coming together to chat about aspirations for public space, community and how we want to live. All welcome.

Been and gone:

28 Sept, 17.30 - 19.00 Lé Galvaûdeux, guided wander with artist Tim le Breuilly. As map and details above. We will meet at the site of the pop-up park - the pétanque pitch, Weighbridge Pl, St Helier at 17.30, before walking the route together. Please dress appropriately for walking and come prepared to see St Helier through new eyes. Suitable for all ages. A map of the walk can be downloaded here: https://blog.gov.je/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Walk-Map_17.09.2023.pdf

27 Sept, 19.45 - 21.15 Film at the Perch, Romerils carpark. Free outdoor screening of short films by local film makers. Public Voice: Common Ground and Romerils are partnering with the 13th Parish Jersey International Film Festival, who have curated a special selection of 11 films from their annual Jersey Films Showcase. This showcase includes Luka Pinto’s Little Green, Marc Medland’s Super Birds and Rachel Ara’s The Parable of The Leaf Blower. The films will be projected onto the wall of Romerils car park by Stefentertainment. The public are encouraged to come with neighbours, family and friends and to bring their own seating to sure of a comfortable view. Please contact us through the ‘contact us’ for special assistance and enquiries. Popcorn/ blanket/ umbrella advisable.

26 July – 27 Sept           Pop up Park. Pétanque pitch, Weighbridge Pl - public park and pétanque. Enjoy the grass, bring a rug, a picnic or a pétanque set. The pitches are open to the public.

28 July, 15.00 – 19.00                             Earthworks Pop up Park, Pétanque pitch, Weighbridge Pl. A clay-based free workshop with artist Jo Pearl, and the Public Voice team. A drop-in clay-scape, participants spend time thinking, discussing and modelling their ideas in clay for how the environment and landscape of St Helier could be improved. Not intended as an architectural masterplan, it will instead be an ideas-scape capturing hopes and suggestions from islanders. No pottery experience necessary, suitable for all ages. Free ice-cream for the first 100 artists. With thanks to JDC.

29 July, 10.00 – 13.00                             Earthworks II at the Pop up Park, Pétanque pitch, Weighbridge Pl. If you missed us on Friday, join us for a second free clay-based workshop with artist Jo Pearl, and the Public Voice team. A drop-in clay-scape - participants spend time thinking, discussing and modelling their ideas in clay for how the environment and landscape of St Helier could be improved. No pottery experience necessary, suitable for all ages. Bring a rug and a picnic and stay for the day.

Many people and organisations were involved in enabling this to happen. With particular thanks to Bruce Labey, JDC, Acorn, Ransoms Garden Centre, Romerils, A to B with Reg’s Skips, AAL Recycling, Antony Gibb Ltd, David Ryan Landscape and Property Services, Trees for Life, Grow, JCRT and Welcome VIDA. With additional funding and support from Government of Jersey’s Economy Dept, Creative Island Partnership, Community Compass and SP3.

Activities and discussions around public realm are recorded. They are an important part of the community voice informing the Public Voice: Common Ground commission and improvements to our public realm. Please talk to us if you have concerns or would like more information as to how your opinions are heard and translated..

Pop-up Park at the Pétanque, Weibridge Pl
Earthworks workshop

Earthworks workshop. Photography by Rod Bryans

Pop-up Park at the Pétanque, Weighbridge Pl. Photography by Rod Bryans

Ian Rolls, ‘What does WONDERFUL look like for St Helier? workshop, Children’s Day

Marc Medland’s ‘Super Birds’ at the Pop up Perch, Romerils carpark, Weds 27 Sept

Pop-up Park at the Pétanque

Pop-up Park at the Pétanque, Weighbridge Pl. Photography by Rod Bryans

Views from lé Galvaûdeux by Will Lakeman

Pop-up gallery and print studio, Unit 4, Horizon East, Waterfront St Helier.

‘What does WONDERFUL look like for St Helier? workshop, Children’s Day

The Pop up Perch, Romerils carpark, Hue St, St Helier

Views from lé Galvaûdeux byTim le Breuilly

lé Galvaûdeux print workshop with Tim le Breuilly, photography by Rod Bryans

Watch this Space - Queen St, St Helier. Before

lé Galvaûdeux print workshop with Tim le Breuilly, photography by Rod Bryans

lé Galvaûdeux print workshop with Tim le Breuilly, photography by Rod Bryans

Watch this space - Lindsay and her broom, Queen St, St Helier.

Earthworks workshop

Earthworks workshop. Photography by Rod Bryans

Earthworks workshop

Earthworks workshop. Photography by Rod Bryans

Pop-up Pro at the Pétanque

Pop-up Park at the Pétanque, Weighbridge Pl. Photography by Rod Bryans

map by Marc Medland